Life: I’ve created a monster

I wish I could say this was an unusual sight. In reality this is the sight I am greeted with from Every. Single. Room in my house. I have four boys. Oliver is 11, Zachary is 7, Darwin is 5 and Ezra is 2. My hands and my heart are both very full. My head... Continue Reading →

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2019: creating the foundations for resolutions

It's the first week of January which can only mean one thing. It is the first week of a whole New Year. Which means most people are talking about resolutions. I have found there are three camps that people fall into; They love making New Year Resolutions; 365 fresh days set before you. Another chapter... Continue Reading →

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There once was a girl named Cherie

She was... smart. kind. silly. brave. clumsy. loving. Some would even say beautiful, but to herself even from a young age, she was never enough. She gave herself the narrative of girl who wanted to be liked by everyone. The girl that could not only listen, but could understand and relate. The girl who changed... Continue Reading →

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What is The Cherie Quinn Project?

I guess I should start with, who is Cherie Quinn?.. My gut reaction would be, 'good question'. My actual reaction would be Me... kind of. I am Cherie Quinn, Officially I am Cherie {Lewis}-Quinn. I double barreled my surname when I got married 9 years ago. I think I did it for a few different... Continue Reading →

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